Pirates Providence, Tales From The Big Chair


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Here is where we pass on your collective knowledge to other Crew Members and other interested in learning the ways of the Pirates.


When Playing Michi there are several do's and don't that must be strictly adheered to. These accounts and others lie below.

Pirate_Entombed thinks She is in Love with him LOL
How can she be? She is in Love with me el loco amigo!

Pirate_Relic in action!
My Mouse My Mouse............

  1. Never piss off Pirate_Blood in a game. By sending your scout over and redirecting all his sheep around hell west and crocked. Or Blocking the Godamn cut hole so no army can go thru.. Or after he cuts a nice wide path thru the woods some moron goes and walls and gates it to create a choke point. Or another Favorite of Blood's is the dipshit who goes and builds a new town in the godamn cut hole as to make it totally useless. Or maybe its the dumb ass who is out of a resource and not sending units to the battle but refuses to ask for the said resource. IE. where is your army? Send pikes! NOW!!!!!!!!! Stupid reply: daaaa got no food?! ........ no food no food I'm Celts I'm not useing food got all kinds ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Always know your cutter what time he will cut and communicate with him. And above all have an army ready BEFORE the hole is cut. Cus sure as shit if you don't the other side will. And the fast cut you like to have will serve as a hole for the other side to breach.
  3. If you see the enemy cutting into your territory FIRST send out flair! To inform the crew SECOND wall the shit out of the forest where he will come in. Then another crew member will soon arrive with vills to help you MAZE the area. Don't put walls together they are easy to destroy and  rams do damge to all walls  YES all! so make a maze. They must micromange rams and trebs to get thru. A good mazer can keep an entire army at bay with 20 vills making a maze.
  4. If you have your head up your ass and don't see them come thru or you maze gets breached again FLAIR!!! At this point in time everyone has to stop the offencive and go to the aid of the breach ASAP no exceptions. If you do not help the Pirate hit you will LOSE. ANY QUESTIONS??
  5. NEVER EVER turn back an attack thru the hole once it begins. When your army is thru the hole it is committed to battle. If you see trouble in the wooks WALL WALL WALL. if they get thru. you and your Crew should already have stables, siege shops ect built to being built.  to immediatle send out fresh trops to the battle and at the same time continue the offencive that will crush the enemy. Nothing is more devistating than havin a siege army cut thru the woods only to find that the escort has retreaed back to the town and leaves youe entire army exposed. Yup just what I love to see on the other side me my 50 rams and onagers no escort and run into a small partol of paladins. DON'T DO IT. Never change the plan of attack to save a few vills.
  6. When the siege breaches the woods the over zealous will explode by the siege at first chance storm into town and start hacking away at a castle full of vills??? Or a 200 wood stable and lose 30 Pals in the process and leaving the siege wide open to attack. It just stand to reason when you are spotted comming in all opponents head for the hole!!! LIKE THEY SHOULD   siege  will be easily killed and then they will go after the Palidins who are being weakened by the garrisined villagers. you have lost your armie and the innisiative. BAD MOVE. and if the the pard does not realise that the siege has been taken out he can send troops into the old gather point now held by the enemy to be slaughtered. wasteof troops.



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